HolyCoast: The EU Hikes Their Skirts and Runs from Iran
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Friday, September 01, 2006

The EU Hikes Their Skirts and Runs from Iran

With the UN imposed deadline for Iran to stop processing uranium having come and gone, just how are the courageous nations of the European Union responding? By hiking up their skirts, screaming, and running:
The European Union said Friday it was too early to impose sanctions on Iran for its failure to halt uranium-enrichment by a U.N.-imposed deadline.

"For the EU, diplomacy remains the No. 1 way forward," said Finnish Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja, whose country holds the EU presidency.

He said "this is not the time or place" for the international community to hit Iran with sanctions.

Iran defied a Thursday U.N. Security Council deadline to stop uranium enrichment, raising the prospect of U.N. economic and other sanctions. In Tehran, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad reiterated that his country would not be bullied into giving up what he called Iran's right to nuclear technology.

U.S. President George W. Bush said Thursday that Iran has responded with defiance and delay to demands to stop enriching uranium.
It's no wonder Iran feels free to thumb their nose at the rest of the world. I would too if my opposition was as weak and cowardly as the EU.

There's going to come a day, and probably soon, when only military action will prevent the Islamic bomb, and I hope we save a missile or two for the trip home. I believe the EU headquarters is in Brussels - on the way back.

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