HolyCoast: Good News for Kentucky Derby Losers
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Sunday, September 10, 2006

Good News for Kentucky Derby Losers

Our Congress, ever vigilant in the fight for truth, justice and the American way, have worked hard this week to pass legislation vital to the defense of our country. Thanks to this legislation, you can no longer export horses for food (from Bob Novak):
With scarcely two weeks of work left before Congress breaks for the midterm election, House leaders scheduled time to consider the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act.

The measure, which would ban killing horses for human consumption, passed the House Thursday and was sent to the Senate. Many American horse owners pick up money on the side by exporting horses or horsemeat to Europe.

The anti-slaughter bill is sponsored by two Republicans: Ed Whitfield of Kentucky and John Sweeney of New York.

Once again, Congress exports jobs to other countries, and of course, this legislation will be meaningless. Horses are a commodity, and whether you're a horse fan or a horse steak fan, it really won't change anything. Ranchers aren't going to let the four-legged cash machines just stand around and eat their profits until they finally keep over. Ranchers will just change the language on the bill of sale, and maybe will add a Canadian or Mexican middleman in the process somewhere, but the horses will still end up on European dinner plates.

Just as one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter (according to Reuters), one man's My Little Pony is another man's Happy Meal.

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