HolyCoast: GOP Senators Gaining on Challengers
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

GOP Senators Gaining on Challengers

Don't measure the Majority Leader's office for drapes just yet, Sen. Reid:
Last-minute surges by Republican incumbents Rick Santorum and Mike DeWine may help torpedo Democratic hopes of gaining control of the Senate, a new poll reveals.

Santorum trailed Democrat Bob Casey Jr. by nine percentage points as recently as August 21, but the new online survey of likely voters by Zogby International showed that he now trails by only four points.

In Ohio, DeWine trailed Sherrod Brown by eight percentage points in August, but he too has narrowed the gap to four points.

And in New Jersey, Republican Tom Kean Jr., who has been behind incumbent appointee Bob Menendez since June and trailed him by six points in July, has now pulled into a dead heat with Menendez, at 40 percent each.

With the focus back on terrorism and security, and the poor showings by the Dem chllengers in recent debates and interviews, the GOP Senators may not be in as much trouble as recently thought.

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