HolyCoast: Iran Supreme Leader Calls for Attacks on the US
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Iran Supreme Leader Calls for Attacks on the US

The day before President Nutjob of Iran speaks to the United Nations, the Iranian Supreme High Mullah Muckety-Muck Official High Potentate has issued a call to attack America....because of the Pope's speech:
In Iran, supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei used the comments to call for protests against the United States. He argued that while the pope may have been deceived into making his remarks, the words give the West an “excuse for suppressing Muslims” by depicting them as terrorists.

“Those who benefit from the pope’s comments and drive their own arrogant policies should be targeted with attacks and protests,” he said, referring to the United States.

So, let's try and understand. If you depict Muslims as terrorists, Muslims will attack you. Sort of a self-fulfulling prophecy.

Meanwhile, President Nutjob should be required to denounce the call for attacks on the US, or should have his Visa revoked immediately and be forcibly removed from the country - even if they have to pull him off the stage at the UN.

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