HolyCoast: Mexican Standoff
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Saturday, September 02, 2006

Mexican Standoff

The disputed election in Mexico has caused a great deal of chaos in the country, and that chaos was carried right to the stage where President Vicente Fox was supposed to deliver his state of the nation address:
Vicente Fox was forced to forego the last state-of-the-nation address of his presidency Friday after leftist lawmakers stormed the stage of Congress to protest disputed July 2 elections.

It was the first time in modern Mexican history a president hasn't given the annual address to Congress. Instead, Fox handed in a written copy of his report, and his office said he would address the nation in a televised speech later Friday.

A text of the speech Fox had planned to deliver to Congress called on Mexico to mend deep divisions that he said threatened the country's newfound democracy.

Can you imagine the Democrats, after the disputed 2000 election, storming the stage and preventing President Bush from delivering the State of the Union speech?

Well, actually, now that I think of it, I could. After seeing the speech in Mexico disrupted by the opposition, look for some Dems to try that in January.

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