HolyCoast: Minnesota Voters Ignore Dems Radical Past
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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Minnesota Voters Ignore Dems Radical Past

Minnesota Dem voters have selected a Muslim with an "interesting" past to be their nominee in the 5th District. Here's how Powerline described the win:
Keith Ellison (also known by aliases that include Keith Hakim, Keith X Ellison and Keith Ellison-Muhammad) won the Minnesota 5th District Democratic primary today. Under Minnesota's rather odd system, party conventions endorse candidates but do not nominate them. Ellison was endorsed at the Democrats' 5th District convention, but did not become that party's nominated candidate until he defeated several relatively strong contenders rather handily, with 45% of the total vote.
I reported on this guy awhile back here. You can read that for a little background.

Although Political Wire has already given the seat to Ellison, he still has to survive the general election and it's hard to say how the voters will react as more information comes out. Powerline seems to think the Republican still has a chance.

For more info, go to Powerline and search on the name Keith Ellison. They have an extensive series of reports on the guy.

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