HolyCoast: Missile Fired at McCain - Hillary Not a Suspect
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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Missile Fired at McCain - Hillary Not a Suspect

Sen. John McCain led one of those congressional junkets to the Republic of Georgia last week, and somebody fired a missile at a helicopter escorting the "Straight Talk Express":
A missile was fired at a helicopter escorting Sen. John McCain during a visit to the Republic of Georgia last week.

A statement from that nation’s interior ministry says the surface-to-air missile was aimed at a chopper involved in a visit of a U.S. Senate delegation to the former Soviet republic. McCain was mentioned as the leader of the group.

The ministry statement claims American officials were notified of the incident. State Dept. spokeswoman Joanne Moore told the Associated Press she had no information about the reported attack.

Given that Hillary Clinton still trails McCain in early presidential preference polls, she would be a likely suspect.

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