HolyCoast: More Terror Arrests in Britain
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Saturday, September 02, 2006

More Terror Arrests in Britain

The Brits have a big problem on their hands in the form of Islamic terrorism, but they're working on it:
14 arrested in anti-terror raids
Police have arrested 14 men in a series of dramatic anti-terror raids targeting the alleged recruitment, training and encouraging of people to take part in terrorist acts. The men, who are thought to be mainly young British Muslims of Pakistani origin, were held in London, with several arrested at a Chinese restaurant in the Borough area of the city. Detectives are carrying out searches at at a large number of residential properties across London - running into double figures.

Police search Islamic school
Police are continuing to search a location in Mark Cross, East Sussex following the 14 arrests in London. A spokesman said: "We are conducting a search in East Sussex in relation to the arrests."It is reported that about 100 officers are examining what is believed to be an Islamic school near Crowborough.

'Thousands' tracked in terror probe
Police are trying to keep tabs on "thousands" of people in Britain who may be involved directly or indirectly with terrorism, one of the country's most senior anti-terror officers has disclosed. Peter Clarke, head of Scotland Yard's Anti-Terrorist Branch, said Britain was facing an increasing homegrown extremist threat. In an interview with the BBC, Mr Clarke refused to put an exact figure on the number of terror suspects operating within the UK, but gave a stark warning about the scale of the task facing Britain's security agencies.
Do you notice how Pakistan keeps coming up in these incidents? I wonder if the Brits will feel the need to restrict Pakistani immigration, and perhaps have a chat with those they know are already in the country? It probably wouldn't be a bad idea.

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