HolyCoast: Orange County Jihadi Starring In Another Al Qaeda Film
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Sunday, September 03, 2006

Orange County Jihadi Starring In Another Al Qaeda Film

Our own Orange County jihadi is starring in another al Qaeda propaganda flick:
A new 48-minute videotape released by al-Qaida's deputy leader Ayman al-Zawahiri features California Muslim convert Adam Yehiye Gadahn calling on Americans to convert to Islam.

The video was posted on an Islamic militant website a week prior to the fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks on New York City and the Pentagon.

This is the second time Gadahn, who disappeared from California seven years ago, and al-Zawahiri have appeared in an al-Qaida video.

On July 7, the first anniversary of the London terror bombings, Ghadan, wearing a white robe and black turban, said no Muslim should "shed tears" for those killed by al-Qaida attacks.

On the video, he denounced U.S. soldiers in Iraq and claimed they had murdered and raped Iraqi civilians.

"Who are the real terrorists?" he asked.

He also seemed to advocate the killing of Marines back in his old home state.

"It's hard to imagine that any compassionate person could see pictures ... and not want to go on a shooting spree at the Marines' housing facilities at Camp Pendleton," he said.

It is always a concern when one of these jihadi organizations issue an invitation to convert because under the principles of jihad, they're supposed to invite you to convert to Islam...right before they kill you.

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