HolyCoast: The Path to 9/11 - First Viewer Reviews from Australia
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Sunday, September 10, 2006

The Path to 9/11 - First Viewer Reviews from Australia

In Australia it's already Monday (poor blokes) which means the first episode of "The Path to 9/11" has already been shown on Aussie TV. Hugh Hewitt points to a review posted by an Australian viewer at FreeRepublic.com:
Just watched 'The Path to 9/11'
September 10, 2006 myself

Posted on 09/10/2006 6:28:09 AM PDT by Byron_the_Aussie

Part one shown on Australian TV this evening.

Don't miss it, my Freeper friends. It's no wonder the Clintonistas have thrown everything at ABC/Disney, in a desperate effort to have the miniseries cancelled. Documents exactly what we've been following over the years on FR. Brave agents on the ground in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Dedicated people at Langley and the J. Edgar Hoover building, working around the clock to capture or kill Bin Laden, Ramzi Yusef et al. And all their efforts derailed by Clinton appointees like Berger and Allbright- selfishly putting their own careers (and covering their asses) before protecting the USA. The line of the show delivered by the actor playing Masood, brave and charismatic leader of the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan:

...are there any men left in Washington? Or are they all cowards?....

Take the phone off the hook, and don't miss it. All the best, Byron
Come back here tonight and you can post your own reviews/comments on the open thread that I'll put up by 5pm (Pacific Time) to coincide with the start of the movie on the East Coast.

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