HolyCoast: The Path to 9/11 - Still On (So Far)
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Sunday, September 10, 2006

The Path to 9/11 - Still On (So Far)

There's word now that Bill Clinton's lawyers have sent another letter to ABC/Disney demanding that the docudrama "The Path to 9/11" be pulled from ABC's schedule. So far, ABC is hanging in there. ABC knows what the Clintonistas apparently don't - with every protest they guarantee that more people will tune in to see what the controversy is all about.

UPDATE: Since it looks like ABC is going to run the movie despite the objections of Clintonoids, there is now a full court press on in the media to discredit the film and everyone associated with it. We even have Howard the Donkey referring to the producer a "Rush Limbaugh's friend" as though Rush had anything to do with the movie. Really funny stuff.

Remember, at around 8pm Eastern time (5pm HolyCoast time) I'm going to put up a special open thread so that readers as a group can comment on the show as it airs. I'll leave it at the top of the page all during the show and will bump it up to the top again on Sunday night as the 2nd part airs. I encourage you to participate and let write your comments and reviews as the show goes along. I'm taking the moderation off, so comments will be posted in real time, and hopefully there will be some interesting (and civil) conversations about the show.

We'll see how it works and we may do stuff like this again.

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