HolyCoast: Pick a God, Pick Any God....
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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Pick a God, Pick Any God....

I can remember many times when I'd be part of a large dinner gathering (usually after a concert somewhere) and as the food was served, somebody would ask "is anyone going to pray for the food?" My standard response was always "everyone pray to your own God". It was always good for a laugh, especially among fellow Christians (go ahead and try it - it works every time).

According to this report in the London Times, there is quite an assortment of gods to go around (h/t Best of the Web Today):
Nearly a third of Americans, 31.4 per cent, believe in an Authoritarian God, angry at earthly sin and willing to inflict divine retribution--including tsunamis and hurricanes. . . .

At the other end of the scale is the Distant God, seen by 24.4 per cent as a faceless, cosmic force that launched the world but leaves it alone. . . .

The Benevolent God, popular in America's Midwest among mainstream Protestants, Catholics and Jews, is one that sets absolute standards for man, but is also forgiving--engaged but not so angry. Caring for the sick is high on the list of priorities for these 23 per cent of believers. . . .

The Critical God, at 16 per cent, is viewed as the classic bearded old man, judgmental but not going to intervene or punish, and is popular on the East Coast.
They left one out - the Poor God. He's the guy the televangelists must worship because they're always trying to raise money for Him to stave off the bankruptcy (financial, not necessarily spiritual) of their TV ministries.

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