HolyCoast: Polls Bounding Toward GOP
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Polls Bounding Toward GOP

There's polling news today that show that security is still the big issue on voter's minds. Thanks to the emphasis on fighting terrorism made by the President during the past couple of weeks, falling gas prices, and the fecklessness of his Dem (and GOP Senators) opposition, the President's approval numbers have jumped back into the mid-40's. In addition, the GOP and Dems are now even in the Congressional preference poll:

Amid falling gas prices and a two-week drive to highlight his administration's efforts to fight terrorism, President Bush's approval rating has risen to 44% in a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll. That's his highest rating in a year.

The poll also showed likely voters evenly divided between Democratic and Republican candidates for Congress, 48%-48%. Among registered voters, Democrats had a 51%-42% advantage.

Most experts agree that due to voting patterns you can generally add 5 to 6 points to the GOP totals in Congressional preference polls, so there's a good chance that the GOP has pulled ahead.

All of which bodes ill for Nancy Pelosi's plans to move into the Speaker's office.

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