HolyCoast: Rush Clarifies His Perky Katie Appearance
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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Rush Clarifies His Perky Katie Appearance

I guess Rush Limbaugh got a load of grief over the long weekend from people who just couldn't believe he's agree to be one of the celebrity introducers of the Perky Katie Couric on the new CBS Evening News. Rush clarified today just what he'll be doing.

According to El Rushbo, the news will have a short segment each night of about 90 seconds called "free speech" and various people have been invited to give a guest editorial. Rush taped a spot last Thursday that is supposed to air this Thursday on the show. It's not an intro or endorsement, but simply an editorial. Hey, if CBS offered me 90 seconds to do an editorial, I'd take it to. In fact, I'd do one on al-Jazeera if it was offered.

I'm sure Rush realizes that his presence on the show will give it a ratings spike, but ratings will be high all week as the looky-loo factor will be huge. Whether they'll be able to sustain it past Thursday is another thing.

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