HolyCoast: The Sorry Pete Rose
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Monday, September 18, 2006

The Sorry Pete Rose

Pete Rose was a great baseball player who made many, many mistakes in his personal life, and got himself banned from baseball for life. If he ever wants to be reinstated, this isn't going to help:

Boy, is Pete Rose sorry.

Baseball's disgraced all-time hit king may have hit an all-time low by signing balls with this shocking inscription: "I'm sorry I bet on baseball - Pete Rose."

Thanks to a New Jersey auction house, you, too, can share in Rose's sorrow. Robert Edward Auctions plans to sell 30 of the baseballs for an expected $1,000 a pop.

"This is where the baseball collectibles field has impact on the history of the game," said Rob Lifson, president of the Watchung-based Robert Edward Auctions. "The collectibles field is not just shadowing the game - it's affecting its history."

It also could dash any hope Rose, who was banned from the sport he loved in 1989 for betting on baseball, has of getting into the Hall of Fame.

The bizarre ball signing marked the latest chapter in the sad saga of a man who was once one of baseball's most revered - and successful - figures...

Baseballs with Rose's signature sell for $25 to $50, Lifson said, but he expects the "Confession Balls," as he will label them in the auction, to fetch upward of $1,000 each.

I saw Pete Rose holding a "pay for autograph" session in the Forum Shops at Caeser's Palace in Las Vegas last fall. I wrote about that weird scene in this post.

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