HolyCoast: There is a Winner in Mexico
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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

There is a Winner in Mexico

After much debate and legal wrangling Felipe Calderon was declared the winner of the disputed presidential election in Mexico. His opponent, however, is pulling an "Al Goro" and my hold on to fight another day:
"Felipe Calderon became president-elect of Mexico on Tuesday, two months after disputed elections. . . . [Loser Andres Manuel Lopez] Obrador . . . barely made mention of the impending decision Monday during his nightly address to followers in the capital's historic central plaza, the Zocalo. Instead, he focused on an upcoming national convention of his supporters to decide if he should declare himself head of a parallel government. Members of that government would then go on to vote on a series of government reforms."--Associated Press, Sept. 5, 2006
Oooo. A parallel government. Sounds like a sci-fi show.

I just hope one of the governments decides to control the border.

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