HolyCoast: Virginia Issues Non-Apology Apology
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Virginia Issues Non-Apology Apology

In a follow-up to this post, the newspaper at the University of Virginia has issued the classic non-apology apology for printing cartoons offensive to Christians (from Special Report):
After refusing to apologize for cartoons mocking Christianity, the University of Virginia's student newspaper now says it's "regretful that many took offense" and has removed two of the drawings from its Web site.

The Cavalier Daily had argued that people's "opinions or actions" were fair game for criticism, but Christian groups point out the paper apologized for making fun of the Muslim prophet Mohammad earlier this year.

Online editors removed two of the offending cartoons — including one depicting the Virgin Mary with a sexually transmitted disease — but did not pull a third drawing of Jesus using profanity.

The "I'm sorry you got upset" non-apology is meaningless. Tell me you're sorry you made a dumb decision and ran cartoons offensive to Christians, and then maybe I'll believe you're sincere.

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