HolyCoast: The Wanna Be Leaders
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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Wanna Be Leaders

The newest Quinnipiac poll indicates that most people either don't know Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid (the wanna be majority leaders), or if they know them they don't think much of them (from Political Wire):
"The woman and man who will lead the Democrats in Congress if they take control in November are neither well thought of, nor widely known, to most Americans," according to a new Quinnipiac poll.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) "rate the poorest of 20 political figures -- including several potential Democratic presidential candidates -- in the latest 'thermometer reading' from Quinnipiac."

Interesting finding: "Sen. Joseph Lieberman, who lost the Democratic primary for reelection in Connecticut, ranks higher on the thermometer than any of the Democratic 2008 hopefuls, including Sen. Hillary Clinton."
Other Dems aren't distinguishing themselves much better. I caught some film of Chuckie Schumer with one of those patented stand-up charts giving the Bush administration grades on various elements related to the war on terror and Iraq. The overall grade was a C-, though Chuckie left one important item off the chart: Preventing Attacks on the Homeland. That item would have been an A+ and would have swung the curve dramatically upward. The Dems don't want to talk about that.

Instead they want to issue meaningless letters to the President and this week hope to call for a vote of no confidence on Don Rumsfeld. Silly acts both. As Captain Ed points out:
They want Donald Rumsfeld's head on a pike outside the White House, but they can't even gin up the courage to use his name in their letter.

The Dems aren't serious about security and can't be trusted with America's future.

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