HolyCoast: Booze or Nude Dancing - You Can't Have Both
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Friday, October 06, 2006

Booze or Nude Dancing - You Can't Have Both

This headline in the Chicago Tribune:
Court says nude dancing, booze don't mix
I sort of thought booze tended to lead to nude dancing, but I could be wrong. Here's the story:
The city law that bars nude dancing at establishments that serve alcohol does not violate the U.S. Constitution, the Illinois Supreme Court ruled Thursday.

While nude dancing can sometimes constitute free expression protected by the 1st Amendment, the city has the right to address the social ills that can result from allowing nude dancing where alcohol is served, Justice Lloyd Karmeier wrote for the majority.

Those secondary effects, which the court said include prostitution and other crime, can be "serious and pervasive," Karmeier wrote. "The ordinance goes no further than is essential to further the city's objective."

Okay. This whole thing reminds me of the old joke:

Q: Why don't Baptists make love standing up?
A: They're afraid somebody will think they're dancing.

Hey, it's Friday. Give me a break!

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