HolyCoast: CNN Joins Insurgent PR Campaign
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Friday, October 20, 2006

CNN Joins Insurgent PR Campaign

Had TV existed during WWII, could you have imagined a network broadcasting film taken by the Germans of German snipers killing American soldiers? Probably not. Why? Because the networks knew better than to aid and abet the enemy's propaganda effort.

Today's "journalists" aren't bound by any such moral restrictions, as CNN proved by broadcasting video, taken by insurgents, of snipers killing American soldiers:
NEW YORK - A CNN executive said Thursday the network's effort to present the "unvarnished truth" about the Iraq war led it to televise portions of a video that shows insurgent snipers targeting U.S. military personnel.

The tape, which came to the network unexpectedly through contact with an insurgent leader, was aired first Wednesday night on "Anderson Cooper 360" and repeated on Thursday.

In one instance, the tape shows a uniformed member of the U.S. military milling in a public area with Iraqis. A shot rings out. CNN fades the screen to black before the result — described as a victim falling forward — is visible.

It's one of 10 separate sniper attacks on Americans documented on the tape, which CNN technicians concluded was authentic, said David Doss, executive producer of Cooper's show, in a Web log entry describing the network's decision what to show...

"We also understood that this kind of footage is upsetting and disturbing for many viewers," he said. "But after getting beyond the emotional debate, we concluded the tape meets our criteria for newsworthiness."

As long as it makes the US look bad or encourages the enemy, it "meets their criteria for newsworthiness".

UPDATE: House Defense Chairman calls for CNN to be removed from combat units.

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