HolyCoast: Dem Myths Make Come Back to Haunt Them
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Friday, October 27, 2006

Dem Myths Make Come Back to Haunt Them

We've all heard the conspiracy theories. Bush stole the 2000 election from Al Gore. Blacks were intimidated in Florida and other places. In 2004, the GOP stole Ohio and votes from black voters weren't counted. The Dems know it's all a lot of bunk, but some of their most loyal voters have grown to believe those lies and now may be less likely to vote because their own party has convinced them that their vote won't be counted:
Last weekend, Jim Webb, the Virginia Democrat who hopes to oust Senator George Allen, crammed in visits to 12 black churches, and for several weeks he has been pumping money into advertisements on black radio stations and in black newspapers.

In Missouri, Claire McCaskill, the Democrat trying to unseat Senator Jim Talent, has been running advertisements about sickle cell anemia, a genetic illness that mostly afflicts black people, and the importance of stem cell research in helping to find a cure.

For Democrats like these in tight races, black voter turnout will be crucial on Election Day. But despite a generally buoyant Democratic Party nationally, there are worries among Democratic strategists in some states that blacks may not turn up at the polls in big enough numbers because of disillusionment over past shenanigans.

“This notion that elections are stolen and that elections are rigged is so common in the public sphere that we’re having to go out of our way to counter them this year,” said Donna Brazile, a Democratic strategist.

Hey Donna, it was your side that spread the rumors and did the fear mongering. It's only fitting that your side may reap the penalty for spreading those lies.

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