HolyCoast: Happy Halloween from Indy and the Princess
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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween from Indy and the Princess

Even though they're 15 & 18 (yesterday) now, they still haven't outgrown dressing up for Halloween. The HolyCoast kids on their way to school this morning:

Among many scary things, that jacket he's wearing used to be mine but now it fits him better than me.

Just to show you that the more things change, the more they stay the same, there's this shot from 10 years ago:

Boys go for the heros, girls for the princesses. It's in the genes. (By the way, if you notice a bandage on Superman's chin, it wasn't Kryptonite that got him - it was the toilet seat that he hit when his stockinged feet went out from under him on our wooden bathroom floor. He forgot to fly.)

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