HolyCoast: HolyCoast Jumps Into the Race
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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

HolyCoast Jumps Into the Race

Captain Ed said something interesting yesterday about how he casts his votes up there in the frozen north. He likes to make sure his ballot is counted, so in order to do that, he'll pick some race that he's not particularly passionate about and will write himself in. Then, when the final tallies are published, he should see his name in the paper along with everybody else and he knows his ballot was counted.

That idea intrigued me a bit, and so I've decided to follow suit. Here in bucolic Mission Viejo we have 10 candidates running for three seats on the city council. I plan to support two of the incumbents and here's why. Four years ago there was quite a kerfuffle involving our city council and the voters basically decided to throw the bums out. During the campaign I would often see candidates Lance MacLean (now our mayor) and Trish Kelley campaigning with their supporters on a corner near my house.

What impressed me the most, however, was that the day after the election the two victorious candidates were back at that same corner holding up big "thank you" signs to the passing cars. I thought that was a classy thing to do. How many times do the candidates go out of their way to thank the voters, rather than just the contributors?

The third incumbent has decided to align himself with two other unknown candidates and appears to be making a run at reforming the council majority as he wants (we only have five councilmen). I'm not sure I like that idea, so consequently, I will be voting for MacLean and Kelley again this year, but will save that third vote for me. When the final numbers are run in the local papers, I'm going to look for my name among the candidate totals. I figure I'll get somewhere between one and....uh one vote (I won't make the Mrs. support my insurgent candidacy), but at least my ballot will have been counted.

If there's a victory parade, I'll let you know.

UPDATE: My support doubled in just a few minutes! If it keeps growing at that rate, why I'll get...billions of votes! I'll own this town! BWAH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

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