HolyCoast: Kerry Fighting the Swift Boat Veterans In Advance of 2008
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Monday, October 09, 2006

Kerry Fighting the Swift Boat Veterans In Advance of 2008

John Kerry is still a little spooked over the drubbing he got from the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and thinks he'll have something for them in '08:
Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., lashed out Sunday against a group that campaigned against him during his last run at the White House.

Kerry said he is concerned that Swift Boat Veterans for Truth is again resorting to "the politics of fear and smear."

The group, financed by Texas conservatives, ran commercials questioning his Vietnam record - the centerpiece of his presidential campaign in 2004. Those same conservatives have formed another group this year - Economic Freedom Fund - to campaign against Democrats across the country.

"We're not going to give them an ounce of daylight," said Kerry, who is considering another run at the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008.

The senator said his response to the commercials in 2004 was not strong enough.

"We thought the fact that the truth was out there was enough," he said. "Clearly it wasn't."
Sadly for Kerry, the voters don't believe that Kerry's truth is accurate and that the Swifties are much more credible. There's no reason to think that will change in '08.

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