HolyCoast: Kerry Swift-Boats Himself
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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Kerry Swift-Boats Himself

John Kerry is the gift that keeps on giving. Just at the critical point, with the election only 7 days away and the polls continuing to show trouble for the GOP, Kerry steps in saves the day...for the GOP. I'll bet Karl Rove would like to kiss him right on the lips.

I documented earlier the comments that Kerry made about our troops, and the blowback he's been receiving. You can read that here. However, that previous post certainly doesn't begin to contain all the problems Kerry's tossed-off insult to the military has caused for the Dems.

This has given every Republican in a tough race the opportunity to throw Kerry's statement and non-apology in the face of their Dem opponents and demand a response. Bob Corker has already done so in Tennessee, and I expect it will become the norm over the next day or so. Kerry has put Dems in a terrible position. If they refuse to condemn Kerry's remarks, or try to explain them away as a "botched joke" has Kerry did, they'll be in the unenviable position of excusing the inexcusable. It's a beautiful thing.

Have you noticed that these "botched jokes", "mistatements" or "out of context" quotes that insult the military always come from Dems? Could it be that GOP members would never say something that, even if badly botched, could possibly come out as an insult to the military? Maybe that's because GOP members actually respect the military and the people who choose to serve their country through a military career. Dems feign respect when it's a political advantage to do so, but in unguarded moments, they have these flashes of anti-military Tourette's Syndrome in which they blurt out what they really feel.

The damage Kerry did to himself and the Dems was significant, but could have been greatly reduced had Kerry shown even the slightest amount of grace. If this was really a "botched joke", Kerry could have salvaged the day with a graceful apology for his poor joke-telling skills and a heartfelt apology to any of the military or their families who might have taken offense. Instead, he chose to come out swinging with a hysterical written rant right out of Moonbat 101, and an indignant press conference in which stated that he "would apologize to no one". That probably turned a one day story into a multi-day bleeder for the Dems.

ABC News adds this:
A Democratic congressman told ABC News, Tuesday, "I guess Kerry wasn't content blowing 2004, now he wants to blow 2006, too."

Thank you, John. You've made us forget Foley and have reminded us what the Democratic left is really all about. Those who are about to watch your career and your party die, salute you.

UPDATE: John Podhoretz adds this:
How Much Are Rational Democrats hating John Kerry right now? I mean hating him. Kerry is lucky Chuck Schumer is such a wuss when it comes to guns.

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