HolyCoast: Self Reliance is Messing Up Food Stamp Programs
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Thursday, October 19, 2006

Self Reliance is Messing Up Food Stamp Programs

James Taranto points to a story that I find almost unbelievable:
Two northeast Ohio counties are being ordered by the state to try to boost the number of Amish receiving food stamps.

Geauga and Holmes counties plan to start advertising campaigns to encourage Amish to enroll in the subsidy program. Holmes may use a billboard to get the message out.

State officials saidt's [sic] important that the Amish know the benefit is available.

But county officials question whether the effort is a waste of time and money. Amish oppose accepting government assistance.

The head of the Geauga Department of Job and Family Services says no matter how much they do, the Amish won't sign up.
I have heard advertisements on the radio recently encouraging people to join the food stamp program. To listen to the ads you'd think it was some kind of theme park rather than government assistance.

It's like a lot of government programs - they measure success by the number of people receiving the stamps, rather than the true measure of success which is the number of people who don't need them.

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