HolyCoast: Ted Kennedy Worked With Soviets to Undermine Reagan
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Saturday, October 21, 2006

Ted Kennedy Worked With Soviets to Undermine Reagan

In a story from what Gateway Pundit pretty accurately calls the "culture of treason", letters have surfaced which indicate that Teddy *Hiccup* Kennedy was trying to work with then Soviet leader Yuri Andropov to help the Soviets look more attractive to Americans and defeat the reelection of President Ronald Reagan:
(CNSNews.com) - The antipathy that congressional Democrats have today toward President George W. Bush is reminiscent of their distrust of President Ronald Reagan during the Cold War, a political science professor says.

"We see some of the same sentiments today, in that some Democrats see the Republican president as being a threat and the true obstacle to peace, instead of seeing our enemies as the true danger," said Paul Kengor, a political science professor at Grove City College and the author of new book, The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism.

In his book, which came out this week, Kengor focuses on a KGB letter written at the height of the Cold War that shows that Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) offered to assist Soviet leaders in formulating a public relations strategy to counter President Reagan's foreign policy and to complicate his re-election efforts.

The letter, dated May 14, 1983, was sent from the head of the KGB to Yuri Andropov, who was then General Secretary of the Soviet Union's Communist Party.

Specifically, Kennedy proposed that Andropov make a direct appeal to the American people in a series of television interviews that would be organized in August and September of 1983, according to the letter.

"Tunney told his contacts that Kennedy was very troubled about the decline in U.S -Soviet relations under Reagan," Kengor said. "But Kennedy attributed this decline to Reagan, not to the Soviets. In one of the most striking parts of this letter, Kennedy is said to be very impressed with Andropov and other Soviet leaders."

In Kennedy's view, the main reason for the antagonism between the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1980s was Reagan's unwillingness to yield on plans to deploy middle-range nuclear missiles in Western Europe, the KGB chief wrote in his letter.

"Kennedy was afraid that Reagan was leading the world into a nuclear war," Kengor said. "He hoped to counter Reagan's polices, and by extension hurt his re-election prospects."

Conspiring with foreign goverments to overthrow the President of the United States can only be described as treason. Don't look for this story in the major media, though, because nobody in mainstream media is going to suggest such a thing against the "liberal lion of the Senate".

Thankfully, Andropov died after a short tenure as General Secretary or else Teddy might have driven us all off the bridge.

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