HolyCoast: Dems Might Kill the Fence
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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Dems Might Kill the Fence

The border fence, which anti-illegal immigration forces fought vigorously for over the apparent objection of President Bush, may get scrapped by the Dems:

Democrats will look again at the legislation mandating 698 miles of fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border and might seek to scrap the plan altogether when they take control of Congress next year.

Rep. Bennie Thompson, Mississippi Democrat, told reporters this week that he expected to "revisit" the issue when he becomes chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee in the 110th Congress.

Mr. Thompson said the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) new border enforcement program, known as the Secure Border Initiative or SBI Net -- which includes monitors, cameras and other integrated surveillance systems -- is a viable alternative to fencing.

"We might do away with it, or look at [integrating it into] SBI Net," he said. "A virtual fence rather than a real one."

President Bush and Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff have voiced similar concerns about building the fence.

I don't think Bush ever wanted the fence and this might give him cover to get rid of it without taking the heat personally. However, for the Dems, this could be a poison pill as there are few issues guaranteed to stir up the Republican base like illegal immigration and the border fence. I'll bet there are '08 GOP hopefuls who are praying the Dems will drop the fence so it can be used as a campaign brickbat in the election.

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