HolyCoast: Gutless "Apology" From Kerry
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Thursday, November 02, 2006

Gutless "Apology" From Kerry

Kerry's remarks about the troops have not been well received. Take for instance these wags in Iraq (I saw this photo on about 30 different sites):

After having something like 6 opportunities in the last two days, Kerry finally issued a gutless "apology" via a posting on his website. He didn't even have the guts to do it on camera where the views could judge his sincerity. You can read it a Hugh's site.

The media is spinning it furiously in the hopes that it will end his (and their) misery, but I don't think this is going away anytime soon.

Kerry is still sticking with the "botched joke" defense (sort of like the "Twinkie defense" from a few years ago), and a thought occurred to me that I haven't heard expressed elsewhere. Supposedly Kerry and his fellow lefties consider Iraq a terrible disaster for the United States. How then would such a disaster be in any way appropriate content for a joke, even if it wasn't botched? Does Kerry also have a collection of Hurricane Katrina jokes? Or Oklahoma City bombing jokes? Or maybe World Trade Center exploding jokes?

If someone truly believes an event or circumstance is a disaster, they won't joke about it. This tells me that for Kerry and the Dems, Iraq is not a disaster, just a political opportunity.

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