HolyCoast: Here's Why the Dems Will Only Have a 2 Year Run
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Saturday, November 11, 2006

Here's Why the Dems Will Only Have a 2 Year Run

Though I am in mild despair over the prospect of two years of Pelosi/Reid/Waxman/Dingle/Conyers/Kennedy/Biden/....and the beat goes on, I was comforted this morning by a lovely comment that was left by one of the Dems ardent supporters. A Linda Ellsworth found an old post of mine entitled "Chavez Delivers the Democratic Response" and decided to vent. I thought it worthy to elevate to the front page as an indicator of what we can all expect in the next two years, and why I think the Dems will only have a 2 year run. I've left the spelling, punctuation and spittle-flecking as originally written for your amusement:
Im surprized this old story is still on the internet and I know I am waisting my time talking to the minority likes of you but it is Nov. 17th now and last tuesday dispite rude republican tricks on the voters..WE STILL WON>>>THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN AND THEY ARE SICK OF BUSH AND MOST WOULD LIKE TO SEE HIM IMPEACHED! We got rid of Rumi immediatly and it wasnt hard either since every Military Officer was asking for just that Now we need to deal with the rest of the war profteers, Haliburton, Blackwater, CAKI, KBR and others I can't remember right now for milking the American tax payers for generations to come and killing innocent men who were under their employ not to mention Tortureing innocent Iraqi Gulags not much better than Nazi prison camps . The American people finally saw through their phoney A-moral facade. We got back both the senate AND the house so now maybe we can start cleaning house of Cheeny Wolferitz,Rowe ,Hastert..the whole sick gang..and stop this spiral towards self-annialation that they have us on, Impeach Bush Chenny-War Criminals-Hippocrites and Liars and Sociopaths ALL!
My response went like this:
Linda - thanks for sharing. It's comments like yours that give me comfort that the Dems will only have a 2 year majority. The tinfoil hat crowd you hang out with couldn't run a Dairy Queen, let alone the entire country, and you'll drive the voters right back to a reenergized GOP. Thanks!

There is hope, my friends.

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