HolyCoast: Improving Your Low Income and Minority Community Through Fraud
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Thursday, November 02, 2006

Improving Your Low Income and Minority Community Through Fraud

Gateway Pundit has been all over ACORN and their fraudulent voter registrations in Missouri. Today indictments were handed down:
Four people have been indicted on charges of voter fraud in Kansas City, officials said Wednesday.

Investigators said about 35,000 questionable registration forms for new voters were collected by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, a group that works to improve minority and low-income communities.

The question is can they weed out the questionable registrations before people start showing up at the polls to vote under those names? In California, which has no identification requirement at all, if a name is on the list and you show up and claim to be that person, they have to let you vote. You can image the chaos fraudulent registrations could cause.

It may well be that these people were simply making stuff up, not to cast votes, but to collect registration fees. There was also a report that as real voters were signed up they were solicited for the Dem Senate candidate, a direct violation of law.

Missouri is going to have some close races, especially in the Senate. Let's hope the Dems haven't already stolen it.

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