HolyCoast: Mark Steyn Dissects John Kerry
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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Mark Steyn Dissects John Kerry

My favorite writer takes on the Boston Boob:

My face time with John Kerry has been brief but choice. In 2003, I was at a campaign event in New Hampshire chatting with two old coots in plaid. The senator approached and stopped in front of us. The etiquette in primary season is that the candidate defers to the cranky Granite Stater's churlish indifference to status and initiates the conversation: "Hi, I'm John Kerry. Good to see ya. Cold enough for ya? How 'bout them Sox?" Etc. Instead, Kerry just stood there nose to nose, staring at us with an inscrutable semi-glare on his face. After an eternity, an aide stepped out from behind him and said, "The senator needs you to move."

"Well, why couldn't he have said that?" muttered one of the old coots. Why indeed?
Right now the Democratic Party needs the senator to move. Preferably to the South Sandwich Islands, until Tuesday evening, or better still, early 2009.

Read the rest of it, it's all good. If the Dems end up losing the House and the Senate, Kerry's presidential plans for 2008 will be toast (though they probably already are).

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