HolyCoast: Millions for Hostages
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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Millions for Hostages

A report at WorldNetDaily says that the two kidnapped FoxNews journalists were freed only after the kidnappers received $2 million dollars:
JERUSALEM – Palestinian terror groups and security organizations in the Gaza Strip received $2 million from a United States source in exchange for the release of Fox News employees Steve Centanni and Olaf Wiig, who were kidnapped here last summer, a senior leader of one of the groups suspected of the abductions told WND.

The terror leader, from the Gaza-based Popular Resistance Committees, said his organization's share of the money was used to purchase weapons, which he said would be utilized "to hit the Zionists."

He said he expects the payments for Centanni and Wiig's freedom will encourage Palestinian groups to carry out further kidnappings.

Maybe this wasn't widely known among the bad guys, but if true, I can't believe there hasn't been 100 more kidnappings just like it. There's a reason why you don't negotiate with hostage-takers.

I can't imagine the Israelis are too excited about this either.

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