HolyCoast: Polls Aren't Completely Good News for Dems
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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Polls Aren't Completely Good News for Dems

The media and the Dems are exulting in a Newsweek poll which shows the President's approval rating at 31%, which of course means the meme is that Bush won't be able to do anything during his last two years. As long as he has a veto pen, you can't ever say the president will have no impact on events, though it will be tough to push his agenda forward.

There are a couple of paragraphs at the end of the Reuter's article which could prove problematic for the Dems, should they ignore them:
While a bare majority of 51 percent called the Democrats' victory "a good thing," even more said they were concerned about some of the actions a Democratic Congress might take, including 78 percent who were somewhat or very concerned that it would seek too hasty a withdrawal of troops from Iraq.

Another 69 percent said they were concerned that the new Congress would keep the administration "from doing what is necessary to combat terrorism," and two-thirds said they were concerned it would spend too much time investigating the administration and Republican scandals.
Investigations will be the game of the day for the next two years, in addition to working to guarantee defeat in Iraq and killing our ability to defend ourselves at home by destroying the NSA surveillance program and ending the border fence. It's no wonder our enemies are rejoicing over the Dem victory.

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