HolyCoast: The Running of the Gays
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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Running of the Gays

They sure know how to party in San Francisco's gay Castro district:
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Gunfire broke out between two groups at a massive Halloween street party in the city's Castro district, wounding at least 10 people, including innocent bystanders, police said Wednesday.

The shooting began around 10:40 p.m. Tuesday as authorities were dispersing thousands of revelers under a curfew aimed at controlling the traditionally raucous party. ...

The once-spontaneous and unsanctioned party was taken over by the city four years ago after police recorded five stabbings and a number of assaults in a 2002 crowd of 500,000 people and confiscated a chain saw.

Officials and members of the district's large gay community said the party had started attracting gay bashers along with the usual colorfully costumed characters.

There's a similar freak show in West Hollywood each year, and the local media always show up out there to give us all a look at the weirdos.

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