HolyCoast: Che Chic At Target
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Friday, December 15, 2006

Che Chic At Target

I previously covered the absence of Salvation Army bellringers at Target Stores nationwide, but there will be one colorful character in the store: Che Guevara:
Business Ethics: Target, the retailer that distinguished itself last year by banning Salvation Army bell-ringers, has topped itself this yuletide by selling Che Guevara CD cases for a little tyrant-chic right under your tree.

The big box retailer has jumped onto the Guevara bandwagon, selling the murderous revolutionary's image as if it had just turned its stores into Marxist rally stalls.

And for those who don't know anything about Che than what he looks like on a t-shirt, here's some background from the same article:
All this reflects an indifference to history. For some real market research, Target ought to go to Miami, a shopper haven that is a place of exile for the 20% of Cubans who fled for their lives from Guevara's communist Cuba.

For them, Guevara was no hip revolutionary with a free spirit wearing earbuds, as the Target CD case shows. He was a psychopath with a central role in Cuba's 1961 mass executions in the "year of the wall." Guevara signed at least 600 death warrants and executed children against firing squad walls; he was responsible for at least 2,000 deaths.

After that, the Argentine-born communist organized Cuba's gulag. His violence was so over the top it scared even Castro, who eventually sent him away to fight mercenary wars in Africa.

Guevara also left a lot to be desired on a personal level, never paying bills, living in houses he confiscated and wearing Gatsby suits and smoking from a cigarette holder as Cubans starved.

Che chic is really beneath the dignity of a family oriented store like Target, and they really ought to get rid of the stuff.

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