HolyCoast: Edwards Expects McCain to be the GOP Nominee
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Sunday, December 31, 2006

Edwards Expects McCain to be the GOP Nominee

He didn't actually come out and say that, but John Edwards clearly plans to run the Iraq part of his campaign against John McCain:
Former Sen. John Edwards, D-N.C., now a declared candidate for president in 2008, said in an exclusive interview with George Stephanopoulos set to air Sunday on ABC News' "This Week," that he expects Iraq will be one of the critical issues in upcoming campaign.

Edwards told Stephanopoulos that he opposes the idea of surging troops in Iraq in 2007 and called plans to escalate the war the "McCain doctrine" — naming it after the undeclared, possible Republican presidential front runner, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.

He might consider calling it the "Reid Doctrine" since Harry Reid has promoted much the same idea as McCain, but that wouldn't give Edwards something to complain about.

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