HolyCoast: The Laura Bush Medical Scandal
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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Laura Bush Medical Scandal

At least that's how the headline would be written by most members of the White House press corps based upon their silly antics at yesterday's press briefing. Apparently, the worst thing you can do to the press is not lie to them, but simply not tell them something. They seriously believe they have a right to know every little thing about everyone, and failure to immediately disclose even the smallest of details is an impeachable offense.

Laura Bush had a small skin cancer lesion removed from her ankle, but no press release on the subject was issued. When the pressies found out, they had another one of those "Cheney Shoots Hunter" moments and just couldn't leave Tony Snow alone about why the information was not released. Michelle Malkin has the complete transcript of the stupid questions here.

You'd think that by the time you got to the position of White House correspondent you'd know the difference between what is news and what isn't. I guess not.

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