HolyCoast: Liberals Are "Coming Out"
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Saturday, December 23, 2006

Liberals Are "Coming Out"

You don't have to kick over rocks to find them anymore:
There's one certainty for the Capitol's most liberal lawmakers now that Democrats will control Congress: They won't have to meet in the basement anymore.

Basements? I thought they were all in closets. Let's read on:
"One time they put us in the most obscure, smallest meeting room in the farthest corner," Oregon Rep. Peter DeFazio said of life for progressive Democrats under GOP control. Now, "we should be able to score a regular and accessible meeting place."

That may be the easy part.

Accustomed to pleading in obscurity for causes like universal health care, come January these progressives from Northern California, Massachusetts and elsewhere will be part of the congressional majority and in a position to actually do something about them.

Yet they risk getting pinched between liberals itching for impeachment hearings and a quick end to the Iraq war, and more centrist Democrats looking to make common cause with Republicans on fiscal issues.
I hope every lib on Capitol Hill comes out loud and proud and promotes every wacky idea they've got. There's nothing more entertaining than watching the Dems try and fight off their own nutjobs as they desperately cling to power.

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