HolyCoast: WMD Found in Iraq
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Saturday, December 30, 2006

WMD Found in Iraq

Scott Ott reports that WMD has indeed been found in Iraq:
WMD Found Hanging from Rope in Iraq
by Scott Ott

(2006-12-30) — The Pentagon announced this morning that a weapon of
mass destruction (WMD) was found today in Baghdad, hanging from a
rope on a platform.

“This particular WMD,” a Pentagon spokesman said, “is known to have
killed thousands of Iraqis, as well as Iranians, Kuwaitis and some
U.S. troops.”

The weapon is described as “a nasty, corrosive agent which kills
indiscriminately and without warning.”

“A lot of folks — including Hans Blix, the United Nations and the
Democrats — said there were no WMD in Iraq,” the Pentagon source
said. “Perhaps they were just looking in all the wrong places.”

According to Iraqi government sources, the WMD has been contained,
neutralized and prepared for burial.

How true.

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