HolyCoast: Adultery Can Get You a Life Sentence
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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Adultery Can Get You a Life Sentence

For some marriage may seem like a life sentence (not me, dear), but in Michigan cheating on your marriage can get you a life sentence:

Adulterers can be prosecuted for first-degree criminal sexual conduct, a felony punishable by up to life in prison, according to Michigan's second-highest court.
The ruling by Court of Appeals Judge William Murphy is especially awkward for Attorney General Mike Cox, whose office triggered it by successfully appealing a lower court's decision to drop charges against a man accused of trading drugs for sex, reported columnist Brian Dickerson of the Detroit Free Press.

Cox confessed to an adulterous relationship in November 2005.

Murphy wrote in his opinion for a unanimous appeals panel, "We cannot help but question whether the Legislature actually intended the result we reach here today, but we are curtailed by the language of the statute from reaching any other conclusion."

The ruling received little notice when it was made in November, Dickerson notes, but "it has since elicited reactions ranging from disbelief to mischievous giggling in Michigan's gossipy legal community."


The Court of Appeals not only agreed with that argument, it further ruled that a first-degree criminal sexual conduct charge could be justified when consensual sex occurred in conjunction with any felony, not just a drug sale.

Among those crimes, the judges pointed out, is adultery.

The Detroit paper's Dickerson notes, however, that according to the Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan, no one has been convicted of adultery since 1971.

How long do you think it will take them to remove adultery from the list of felonies? And even if you didn't go to jail, you're still going to pay for adultery your whole life. Your spouse will make sure of that.

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