HolyCoast: Biden: Remove the Confederate Flag in South Carolina
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Monday, January 15, 2007

Biden: Remove the Confederate Flag in South Carolina

This is almost as predictable as the swallows returning to San Juan Capistrano. As the Dem presidential candidates start identifying themselves and campaigning in early primary states, there are always calls to remove the confederate flag from the South Carolina statehouse grounds:
Sen. Joseph Biden, a Democratic presidential hopeful joining fellow Sen. Christopher Dodd at Martin Luther King Jr. holiday events, said Monday he thinks the Confederate flag should be kept off South Carolina's Statehouse grounds.

"If I were a state legislator, I'd vote for it to move off the grounds - out of the state," the Delaware senator said before the civil rights group held a march and rally at the Statehouse here to support its boycott of the state.
What these articles never mention is the fact that the flag was first raised at the South Carolina statehouse in the early 60's by Democratic Governor Fritz Hollings, who also served for many years in the Senate. I've never yet heard a Dem criticize Hollings for his decision to fly the flag in protest of the federal government's intervention in the state due to civil rights issues.

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