HolyCoast: Celebrating Martin Luther King Through Whiteface
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Monday, January 15, 2007

Celebrating Martin Luther King Through Whiteface

On the front page of today's OCRegister newspaper there is an article about various celebrations of the life of Martin Luther King Jr. Included with the article is this picture:

Do you notice anything potentially odd here? I'm not going to get into criticizing these fraternity brothers, but I think it's safe to say that if a bunch of white frat boys were pictured dancing in blackface, there'd be hell to pay. They'd all be branded as racists and they and their fraternity would be run off the campus. They'd never appear on the front page of the newspaper, unless it was part of an article about their ouster.

Please understand - I'm not saying what these guys are doing is wrong (mainly because I don't know the context of the dance number they were doing) - my point is that if the colors were reversed, I don't think the outcome would be the same regardless of context.

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