HolyCoast: Chinese Have Their Own "Star Wars" Program
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Friday, January 19, 2007

Chinese Have Their Own "Star Wars" Program

It looks like the U.S. may have some unwanted competition in the anti-satellite missile business:
The prospect of "Star Wars" between China and the West loomed last night after Beijing used a ballistic missile to destroy a satellite in space.

The missile, which hit a 4ft-wide obsolete Chinese weather satellite 530 miles above the Earth, is thought to have been launched from the Xichang space centre in -China's Sichuan province.

It suggests that the Chinese have developed a major new capability that underscores the communist regime's desire to use its military might as well as burgeoning economic power to expand its influence.

"The US believes China's development and testing of such weapons is inconsistent with the spirit of co-operation that both countries aspire to in the civil space area," said Gordon Johndroe, spokes-man for the US National Security Council, yesterday. "We and other countries have expressed our concern regarding this action to the Chinese."

It is understood that Australia and Canada have also protested to China.
That's not good. A preemptive strike against our intelligence satellites could create some big problems.

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