HolyCoast: The Dems '08 Field - The Village People
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Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Dems '08 Field - The Village People

In 2004 the Dem presidential candidates were known as "the seven dwarves". For '08 the Dems are bringing us (so far) a white woman (Hillary Clinton), a mixed race man who looks black(Barack Obama), a Hispanic man (Bill Richardson), a nut (Dennis Kucinich), a farm state governor (Tom Vilsack), a previous loser (John Edwards), and a couple of crochety old Senators (Chris Dodd and Joe Biden). We may yet get a preacher (Al Sharpton). I probably missed a few. All they need is an Indian and a gay guy and you have the Village People.

Given Clinton's "It Takes a Village" book, I thought the ideal name for the '08 crop o' candidates, is "The Village People", and from now on, that's what I'm going to call them.

The primaries should be entertaining with this collection of ideologues, nuts, modest intellects and weak links. Some of them will be gone before the first votes are cast, but there should be enough left to do a rousing chorus of "Y...M...C...A".

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