HolyCoast: Eh, What's Up, Dear Leader?
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Friday, January 12, 2007

Eh, What's Up, Dear Leader?

Not only is North Korea trying to build big bombs, but they also want to build big bunnies:
BERLIN — A German pensioner who won a prize and worldwide fame for breeding his country’s largest rabbit — Robert, a 10.5kg (23lb) bruiser the size of a dog — has been offered an unusual opportunity to exploit his talents overseas.

Karl Szmolinsky has been given a contract by North Korea to supply giant rabbits to help to boost meat production in the reclusive Communist country, which is suffering severe food shortages. The only problem is that such huge rabbits consume vast quantities of food themselves as they grow.

Szmolinsky, from Eberswalde, in the east of Germany, was contacted by the North Korean Embassy in Berlin in October after Robert attracted press coverage. “They want to boost meat production. They’ve arranged for me to go to Pyongyang in April to advise them on setting up a breeding farm,” Szmolinsky, who is 68 next month, told The Times...

He has also received a request for rabbits from a Chinese buyer. He said he believed that the monster bunny program — one rabbit yields 7kg (15lb) of meat — was aimed at feeding the North Korean people rather than the “Dear Leader”, Kim Jong Il, who is said to favor lobster.

This reminds me of the late 50's or early 60's when Khrushchev toured some corn fields in the U.S. and decided that corn would solve the Soviet's food production problems. He ordered vast amount of seed and tried to plant it in the Soviet Union but couldn't get anything to grow in that climate. I think Dear Leader may have a similar problem:
The rabbits are also voracious eaters, which is why Szmolinsky said that he would not be boosting his own annual production because feeding them would be too expensive.

What a maroon.

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