HolyCoast: Keating Won't Run
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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Keating Won't Run

Former governor Frank Keating (Oklahoma) has decided not to run for president:
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) -- Former Oklahoma Gov. Frank Keating has decided not to launch a 2008 presidential bid, a spokesman said Tuesday.

Keating, 62, had been mulling a possible run for the Republican nomination in 2008, but decided against it, said spokesman Dan Mahoney.

Keating planned to discuss his decision in a conference call with reporters Tuesday morning.

Keating served two terms as Oklahoma's governor. Since his term ended in 2003, he has been president and chief executive officer of the Washington-based American Council of Life Insurers.

Keating campaigned extensively for President Bush in 2000 and was on the short list to be Bush's running mate before Bush chose Dick Cheney.
I thought Keating would be a good choice, given the quality of the competition. Keating has a lot of executive experience (sadly missing in most Senators), and has had his share of crisis management as well, having handled the Oklahoma City bombing and countless deadly storms. I think I could have supported him.

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