HolyCoast: Panic in Short Sleeves
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Saturday, January 13, 2007

Panic in Short Sleeves

Special Report had an item about those who are at the same time reveling in the warm wintertime East Coast temperatures while panicking about global warming:
Most northeasterners responded to the recent unseasonable seventy degree weather by wearing short sleeves and celebrating lower energy heating costs. But instead of celebrating, many took it as a sign of coming disaster, according to the Business and Media Institute.

From NBC's Meredith Veira, "I'm running in the park on Saturday, in shorts, thinking this is great, but are we all gonna die?"

Joel Achenbach of the Washington Post wrote, "The weather is sublime, it's glorious, it's the end of the world."

And in the New York Times, "Yesterday the joys of wearing short sleeves were tempered with the anxiety of environmental disaster."

But according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, it's just El Nino, a warm current of water that appears every few years in the eastern Pacific Ocean that is responsible for the warmer temperatures.
Here in Southern California it's unseasonably cool, and in the midwest an ice storm is shutting down large chunks of the middle part of the country. Those East Coasters need to shut up and enjoy the nice weather.

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