HolyCoast: "X" To Be Banned in Saudi Arabia
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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

"X" To Be Banned in Saudi Arabia

You can't make this stuff up (from Special Report):
The "X" Factor

Saudi Arabia may soon ban the letter "x". The New York Sun reports the country's Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice — which is composed of senior Islamic clergy — says the letter "x" may too closely resemble the kingdom's most hated religious symbol — the cross.

A critical article on some Arabian Web sites suggested the clerics also ban the "plus" symbol from mathematics.

The commission recently stopped a proposal to create jobs for women by allowing them to replace male sales clerks in women's clothing stores. One member called the idea a step "towards immorality and hellfire." And in 1974 the group issued a fatwa declaring that the world was flat and immobile.
I hope they find something to ban that will keep them from trying to fly our airliners.

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