HolyCoast: 11 Republicans Become the Dems Dancing Monkeys
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Thursday, February 15, 2007

11 Republicans Become the Dems Dancing Monkeys

Eleven House GOP members danced to the Dem tune yesterday:
In a striking display of dissension, a group of Republican lawmakers broke ranks with the White House on Wednesday and embraced a resolution opposing more U.S. troops in Iraq — airing their criticism even as President Bush publicly defended his plan. Bush questioned the message that expected House approval of the nonbinding resolution would send, saying at a news conference: "People are watching what happens here in America. The enemy listens to what's happening. The Iraqi people listen to the words... They're wondering about our commitment to this cause." Undaunted, 11 GOP lawmakers, including normally staunch Bush allies who represent districts he carried in his presidential campaigns, took to the House floor to express their support for a Democratic-sponsored resolution renouncing Bush's decision to add 21,500 troops to the roughly 135,000 already in Iraq.
Fools. Many Republicans will be turned off to the notion of donating any further funds to GOP campaign coffers if this kind of stuff continues.

Hugh Hewitt has additional thoughts here.

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